Collecting material from Strugovsko Lake
The abundance of freshwater habitats in the region of DemirHisar results with the desire to make inquiries about nature and looking for answers to questions obtained through scientific research in this region.From the microscopic analyzes until now, over 150 species of diatoms have been identified in the various freshwater habitats in DemirHisar. Of course, in the upcoming period, this number will increase, considering that the microscopic analysis refers only to 30% of the previously collected material during the field activities.

Collecting material from Strugovsko Lake
A specie that has not been registered for the flora of RNM so far is Achnanthidium catenatum, now find out in Suvodol Lake.Pinnularia, Craticula,Asterionella, Microcostatus, Sellaphora,and Fragilariaare selected as special genera whose species require additional analyzes to identify them.
The huge biodiversity of diatoms makes us believe that the most beautiful things are always hidden deep in nature and we just need to look closely to see them.