Locality Ginger Cheshma
During this phase, phytocoenological relevés were made at the Asan Cheshma site, in order to determine the type of Ophioglossum vulgatum’s habitat. The identification of previously collected plants and the field research took place simultaneously. The identified plants belong to the Cyperaceae, Juncaceae, Orchidaceae, Poaceae, Saxifragaceae, Crassulaceae and Boraginaceae families. So far, we faced some challenges, which required a lot of studying and field work, but with excellent teamwork, we achieved the intended results. It is important to emphasize that the plant is registered on another site – Alchak.

Measuring the surface for phytocenological survey
Considering that the type of habitats inhabited by this plant are strongly affected by anthropogenic activities, but also by the conspicuous climate change, it can be concluded that this relic species could easily disappear from our country’s flora. Given the information about the increasingly intense anthropogenic activities on Kozhuf Mountain, taking the needed measures to protect the fern becomes imperative.