The Macedonian Ecological Society held a lecture and opened an exhibition on January 25, 2025, on the theme “Native Amphibian and Reptile Species in Macedonia.” The lecture was [...]
The Macedonian Ecological Society, in collaboration with the Skopje Zoo, held an educational event on bird feeders on January 19, 2025. Iskra Manojloska from MES and Vojo Ivanov from Skopje Zoo [...]
The Macedonian Ecological Society organized a lecture on the topic “The Sixth Mass Extinction”, led by Prof. Dr. Maja Jordanova, the head of the “Ecological Education” [...]
The Macedonian Ecological Society, together with its members, held a birdwatching event at Smilkovsko Lake on October 5th in honor of the European Birdwatching Days. Despite the morning storm in [...]
The Macedonian Ecological Society joined in the celebration of Ecology Day, which was initiated during a round table at the European Parliament in 2016, marking a century and a half since the [...]
The World Lynx Day was marked by the Macedonian Ecological Society this year with an organized visit of students from the “Lazo Angelovski” elementary school in Skopje to the [...]
We are infinitely grateful to Professor Biljana Gičevski, who led today’s educational visit to the Pešna Cave, organized by MES for its members. The attendees learned a lot about how the [...]
The Macedonian Ecological Society marked World Migratory Bird Day this year with an activity for its members. We are delighted to have celebrated World Migratory Bird Day in such a wonderful way [...]
MES staff split into two teams in order to properly celebrate World Wetlands Day (February 2nd). One team trained rangers from NP Ezerani and National Park Galicica in water bird counts, whereas [...]
On September 7th the Macedonian Ecological Society in collaboration with the Biology Students’ Research Society held a celebration for the International Vulture Awareness Day in the Skopje ZOO. [...]