On 29 March 2018, the Macedonian Ecological Society, the Society for the Protection of Prespa from Greece and the Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania celebrated the fifth anniversary of the day when the three organisations of transboundary Prespa established PrespaNet, an NGO network for the protection of the Prespa watershed. On this occasion, emphasis was put on the need for the three countries to act in unison on its protection. Throughout the years, the organisations have managed to establish close cooperation towards reaching their goals, working together on a transboundary strategy for Prespa, which includes water management, joint monitoring of species, lobbying for the use of sustainable approaches, and also raising public awareness.       

This anniversary was marked by the new project for the conservation of Prespa funded by PONT and the Aage V. Jensen Foundations, which encompasses wetland conservation, plant and large mammal monitoring, and it also includes many opportunities for active involvement in environmental protection. We are turning over a new leaf for PrespaNet and helping to build sustainable future for Prespa!

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