From 23-24th January in Gevgelija a total of 25 participants from all structure levels of MES took part in the development of MES’s new Strategic plan, aimed to span for 5 years 2020-2024.
The workshop was led by facilitators from Birdlife international – Lenke Balint, Head of Department for Partnerships, Communities and Development, and Marija Jurcevic, BirdLife Balkan Partnership Development Officer. The participants were contributing towards the development the new structure of the new Strategic plan, and in broadening the scope of the organization’s work.
They defined the basic structure and planned activities for the new strategic document and presented to the rest of the group with any potential news in their respective work fields.
As first phase of the preparation of the new Strategic Plan for MES 2020-2024, MES underwent the process of self-assessment, 11-12 December 2019 in Veles.
The aim of the self-assessment was representatives from different structure levels of the organization to present their views into how the organization has improved and how it can improve its functioning for the future. Topics ranged from conservation and protection of species, proclamation and management of protected areas to improved organizational culture and overall organizational development.
The new strategic plan will be presented on the annual Assembly of MES in March when is expected it’s official adoption.