An informative workshop was held on February 25 at “Dom na kultura” in Bogdanci to inform the general public of the Municipality of Bogdanci about the importance of conservation of the endemic plant Astragalus physocalyx found only in the vicinity of Bogdanci. This meeting was а part of the project “Working together for conservation of national endemic plants in Macedonia” implemented by MES with the financial support of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and it was organized by MES’s local partner, the POLIMAT 13 from Bogdanci.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Municipality of Bogdanci, representatives of the business sector, professors and students from the local schools, student’s representatives of the Biology Students Research Society of and interested locals.
During the meeting all stakeholders present at the meeting had the opportunity to share ideas, suggestions and possibilities for joining the project and future promotion activities and steps to preserve the plant and the area as an important community value for its development and progress.

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