Time frame: 2018-2022

Funding: The European Union LIFE programme (LIFE16 NAT/BG/000874)

Coordinating beneficiary: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds / BirdLife Bulgaria (BSPB)

Associated beneficiariesHellenic Ornithological Society / Birdlife Greece (HOS), WWF Greece, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds / BirdLife UK (RSPB), Doğa Derneği / BirdLife Turkey (DD), BirdLife Middle East, BirdLife Africa, A.P. Leventis, Ornithological and Research Institute (APLORI), CMS Raptors, MoU, Green Balkans. For more about the team please click here

Project goal: Reinforcement the easternmost population of the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Europe by delivering urgent conservation measures towards eliminating major known threats in the breeding grounds and along the flyway. For more detailed information and project news please follow https://www.lifeneophron.eu/

Contact person: Nenad Petrovski petrovski@mes.org.mk

Project News

International Vulture Awareness Day in the Skopje ZOO

On September 7th the Macedonian Ecological Society in collaboration with the Biology Students’ Research Society held a celebration for the International Vulture Awareness Day in the Skopje ZOO. [...]

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