In scope of the project “Empowering communities in the Shar Mt. region for sustainable management in North Macedonia and Kosovo a two-day training on “Rural Tourism of Shar Mountain and Development Potentials” was held on 4 and 5 July at the Ljuboten Mountain Hut on Shar Mountain. The training was organized by MES in cooperation with the Center for Education and Development and our partners from Kosovo “LAG Shari”.

The aim of the training is to train young people from North Macedonia and Kosovo who are engaged or want to work in the field of rural tourism in a cross-border area.

The training was attended by 18 participants from Shar Mountain from 6 municipalities. During the first module, the tourism expert Jovan Bozinoski and president of the Mountaineering Club “Ljuboten” introduced the participants to the types of tourism in the Shar Mountain, challenges for the development of rural tourism and the “High Scardus” trail.

As part of the training program, a study trip and a second module will be held in Macedonia and Kosovo in August. Trainings on rural tourism are only part of the activities of the project, which is supported by the European Union’s BestBelt program and whose main goal is to increase the capacities of young people and local population in 8 municipalities in Macedonia and Kosovo as part of the Balkan Green Belt.

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